As mentioned in the loading screen strings, there is a new “Vampire Lore” skill.Furthermore, the game keeps track of pregnancies that occur by bats, suggesting there’s special functionality attached. Vampire bats can WooHoo and Try for Baby.All perk sub-categories point to the same identical text string (** DEBUG **) which suggests either sub-categories have been scrapped, or the code for defining them has been moved somewhere else.There are several mind-control powers, although it’s not currently known what these are.One such weakness is that vampires will only be able to sleep in coffins.The two perk types are “Powers” and “Weaknesses” – the amount of powers you can purchase is limited by the number of weaknesses, so in order to get all the powers you want, you’ll need to balance them out with weaknesses.Becoming a Vampire can mean enduring multiple days of unusual ailments.Vampires are called Nightwalkers for a reason. Pour a cup of coffee and stay up late.Search the midnight streets of Forgotten Hollow for a Vampire BFF!.Vampires reveal their Dark Form when drinking from Sims.Vampires take on weaknesses as they rank up.Interactions with bat icons are related to Vampires.Vampires gain experience, rank up, and unlock more powers.Vampires LOVE the short days in Forgotten Hollow.Search the paths of Forgotten Hollow for a chance of finding a rare Plasma Fruit.All windows come with UV protection so vampires are safe indoors!.

Study up on Vampire Lore to find out more about the ancient ones.There are ways to tame Vampire thirst without drinking from Sims.

The tuning resource “ui.ui_tuning” contains all the loading screen strings: The latest update for The Sims 4 introduces new information about the upcoming Vampires Game Pack to the XML code.