The perversion of the universe tending towards the maximum, that was when I started noticing the more obvious discrepancies. In fact, I felt better than ever, ready to take on the world.

I practically leaped out of bed fully awake, casting the sheets off with no hint of the usual sleepiness. The evil fruits of my anti-coffee heresy, my sister calls it thirty euros fewer monthly expenses and a lack of addictions is my usual retort. Normally, it takes me a good thirty minutes to fully get into gear, and copious amounts of cold water and a five-minute exercise to convince myself I won't be returning to bed for at least twelve hours. That was about how I felt as I woke up just then. Then one day a new miracle pill is discovered, you take it before a night's sleep, and you wake up healthy, your old strength, vitality, and clarity returned. The little daily aches and pains that have become so familiar they barely even register, the ever-increasing lack of energy hindering your every action, the weight of the world increasing until walking a few blocks is a chore when you could have once run all day, your head aching every time you have to do things more involved than sitting in front of the telly. Imagine for a moment that you're suffering from a chronic disease.